Gas Preparation Kit
This kit contains all the essential glassware needed for production of gases in a laboratory including Ammonia, Bromine, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Chlorine, Hydrogen, Hydrogen Bromide, Hydrogen Iodide, Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Sulphide, Hydrogen Peroxide, Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen, Nitrogen Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, Oxygen, Sulphur Dioxide, Sulphur Trioxide etc. Complete kit is packaged in 2 Grattnels® trays with lids, individual glassware pieces are secured in die-cut foam.
Recovery bend 24/29
Adjustable wash bottle head 24/29 Test tube 24/19
Dropping funnel 50 cm3
Test tube with side arm
Delivery adapter 24/29
Dropping funnel plug 10/19 Beehive shelf 75 mm dia. 24/29
5X Glass tube 7 mm O.D.
2X Gas jar 200 x 50 mm
Bend tube
‘T’ adapter
Combustion tube
Gas mixing tube
2x Cone/screw cap adapter 2x Gas cover jars 75 mm dia Dreshel bottle 125 cm3 24/29 Flask 150 Cm3 24/29
Plastic trough
Instruction manual