Eisco Industrial has a dedicated team of customer service representatives available to assist with product, sales, and general inquiries.
North America:
Phone: 1.585.563.7963
Fax: 1.585.486.1735
Product Support: customer.support@eiscolabs.com
Product Sales: Tim Montondo
Phone: +91-7496 966 823
Product and Sales Support: labware@eiscoindustrial.com
Latin America:
(Hablamos Español)
Phone: +52.1.55 6055 0139
Product and Sales Support: sa.sales@eiscolabs.com
Graeme Coleman
P: +44 (0) 7856 269 101
E: Graeme.Coleman@EiscoIndustrial.com
Asia, Middle East, Africa:
Phone: +
Fax: +
Product and Sales Support: info@eiscolabs.com